Strategic Partnerships
Our organization is committed to serving the children and families of Jasper County by providing the resources and programs they need to thrive.
We support our students by teaching them personal and leadership responsibility, broadening their perspectives, and by preparing them to seize opportunities.
Jasper County Charter System Partnership
Support Jasper County High School’s Leadership Development Program designed to develop students' leadership and personal responsibility skills.
Ensure Black students are ready for Head Start and First Grade by increasing the number of Preschool slots in quality learning centers and sharing best parenting skills with parents.
Enhance and expand mentoring programs
Recruit and retain Black teachers
Engage and educate parents to be effective advocates for children. Increase parent participation in school activities.
Sponsor ‘The Leader in Me’ as a whole-school transformation model to raise the achievement level of the lowest-achieving students by establishing a healthy and productive climate and culture and upgrading educational programs
Provide After-School and Enrichment programs.
Build Community Support
Community Conversations
Continue meetings to organize various community organizations and individuals into a united force to address significant community issues. ​
Develop a group of citizen leaders who will develop priorities and achieve positive change for constituents.
Community Revitalization​
Catalyze efforts to transform current depressed Black community spaces into healthy, vibrant and attractive residential neighborhoods.
Strengthen Community/civic engagement (group participation, safety, voting in local elections, provide Black perspective and priorities into government and community projects and programs).